In 1987, the State of Vermont initiated the home-based Medicaid Waiver program, which was designed to provide a care alternative for people who require nursing home level care. The Waiver program gave the individual a choice to remain in the community, often continuing to live in their own home. Addison County Home Health and Hospice was the first agency in the state to provide home-based services to individuals. The Waiver program is currently called the Choices for Care Program.
To qualify for services under the Choices for Care Program, in addition to needing nursing home level care, the individual must meet the Medicaid long-term care financial requirements. A Choices for Care representative will be available to assist an individual or family to determine financial eligibility. Once the requirements are met, a nurse case manager assesses the individual to determine the type of care to be provided and the number of hours the patient can expect to receive services. Direct services are then provided by a personal care attendant (PCA). The case manager works collaboratively with the patient to assure that services provided are consistently satisfactory and meet the identified needs of each individual. If changes occur in the patient's level of care, the case manager will formally reassess the patient and request additional hours of services for the patient. In addition to case management and personal care attendant services, the program also provides funds for respite care and adult day care services.